Featuring; Maya Rae, Brian O’Brien, Michael Jantzen and Ivan Boudreau
SongStage is an event showcasing experienced songwriters in the format best described as the Nashville “in the round” style.
Join us when doors open at 7PM
Songwriters sharing their songs and stories about the songs being performed.
The stage is setup with 4 songwriters working in a rotation, with each presenting a song, then moving to the next songwriter, which offers a variety of songs within 2 rounds, followed by a short intermission and then another rotation to complete the concert evening.
Maya Rae - https://www.mayaraemusic.com
Brian O’Brien - https://www.brianobrienmusic.com
Michael Jantzen - https://michaeljantzen.ca
your host: Ivan Boudreau - http://www.ivanboudreau.com